Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Media Profile: TV Shows

Current Shows That I'm Watching:

 Adventure Time

 Duck Dynasty

Downton Abbey

I'm in a lull from TV shows because of the Oscar films that are out which I focus on this time of year.

Peripheral Shows (shows I watch because someone else watches them):


NFL Football


That 70s Show

Guilty Refusals (critically acclaimed shows or shows suggested by friends that I will not watch):

Once Upon a Time

Trailer Park Boys

The Sopranos

 How I Met Your Mother

Guilty Pleasures:

Vampire Diaries

Say Yes to the Dress



All Time Favorites:

Game of Thrones

No Reservations

True Blood

Mankind: The Story of All of Us

Planet Earth

Adventure Time

Avatar: The Last Airbender, 

Shows I Used to Like, But Not Anymore:




Law and Order: SVU

Shows I resisted for a Long Time, But Now I'm a Fan:

The Wire


I Would Rather Eat Charcoal:

Curb Your Enthusiam

Favorite Movies:

The Lion King
Beasts of the Southern Wild
Pride and Prejudice
How to Train Your Dragon
Inglorious Basterds
Midnight in Paris
Moulin Rouge
Lord of the Rings
Mean Girls

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